7DollarEssay.com [Update March 2025] – A Legit Writing Service That Suggests Plenty Of Types Of Paper Help

Do you want to order a custom essay at affordable prices? Are you looking for a writing company that offers video feedback from its customers? Then, check this 7dollaressay.com review and find out more about this service.

  • Price:
  • Quality:
  • Delivery:
  • Feedback:


  • various types of papers and services
  • video reviews from customers
  • multiple guarantees
  • well-developed accounts on social media


  • no suggested Terms of Use
  • no price calculator
  • no clear history of the company
  • poor customer support
  • no samples of the final paper
  • fake information about the writers

Starting price

From 7$ / page
Visit 7DollarEssay.com


Main Page
Main Page

There are plenty of paper help suggestions available nowadays. Some companies attract clients by offering low prices. Others provide original perks and benefits to loyal users. Still, it is almost impossible to find a perfect writing company that will keep all the promises.

When picking a service, people need to pay attention to such details as:

  • prices;
  • guarantees;
  • customer support;
  • delivery time;
  • availability of free samples of final papers;
  • qualification of writers the service works with;
  • customer feedback.

I’ve tried plenty of writing services on my own and faced diverse issues while using them. For instance, not all companies can offer full confidentiality and anonymity. Also, some services provide users with poor quality content. Having checked multiple writing companies, I’ve decided to share my experience with others. I suppose that my thorough reviews will help students pick the right service. 

This page is devoted to 7 dollar essay – a dependable writing company that raises multiple questions. Let’s start with the company’s story and check whether this service is worth your attention.


As you know, I always start with looking for detailed information about companys’ history. As far as I remember, this is the first site that doesn’t have any Terms Of Use. Moreover, there aren’t any documents that will present the data about the owner of the website. The only fact I was able to find was the date of creation. According to webarchive.org, this website was founded in 2016:

Webarchive statistics
Webarchive statistics

Here is how the website looked like in 2016:

First version of the website
First version of the website

Unfortunately, the lack of information usually raises doubts. It is known that clients prefer companies with experience in the field. However, instead of writing this company off, let’s take a look at its major advantages and disadvantages. 

Lets Go Waiting GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Pros And Cons

I haven’t met any writing company that will absolutely satisfy customers’ needs. Thus, clients usually pick services that suggest more perks and benefits to the users. 7dollaressay.com has plenty of pros:


  • the company offers various types of papers and services. Customers may order reviews, diverse essays, and even PPTs;
  • one of the main peculiarities is that users can check video reviews from customers. It actually makes you believe that the company is reliable;
  • 7dollaressay suggests really low prices. For example, clients may expect to get a one-page paper at $7 only;
  • the service provides multiple guarantees and ensures that personal data will be kept private. However, there aren’t any special documents proving this fact. Thus, users may only trust that they will get plagiarism-free papers, and all the conditions of the money-back policy will be followed;
  • the best thing is that the company pays attention to its social media. It has nice and well-developed accounts on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
Twitter account)
Twitter account

Indeed, it seems that drawbacks outweigh the advantages of the service:


  • as stated above, this is the first service that doesn’t suggest Terms Of Use. It is really weird and raises questions about the quality of the company;
  • there’s no information about the company and the writers it works with. Thus, it is difficult to trust this service;
  • there’s no price calculator, and it’s not convenient for customers;
  • according to the information placed on the main page, the site was created in 2015. In reality, it was founded in 2016. I mean, what is the use of lying about the facts?;
  • the customer support team isn’t the strong point. I didn’t get an answer in online chat;
  • there aren’t any samples of the final papers. Therefore, it’s impossible to check the suggested quality of the content;
  • the service states that it guarantees confidentiality and privacy. But, this claim is questionable as clients need to write down their personal information when ordering papers;
  • the information about the writers seems to be fake;
  • 7dollaressay.com doesn’t offer an option of picking a writer. 

All in all, it seems that the service has more disadvantages and it is surely not the best choice. On the other hand, if you look for low prices and can close your eyes to cons, 7 dollar essay will probably suit you. 

Types Of Services

I wouldn’t say that the amount of suggested services is huge. Still, there are diverse types of paper help, and 7dollaressay.com are glad to prepare:

  • essays;
  • reviews;
  • speeches;
  • research proposal;
  • and even PPTs.

All the services can be found on the main page in the “Services” tab:

Types of services
Types of services


This is the most attractive feature of the writing service. In fact, the price is the lowest one I’ve ever seen! They start from $7 per one page with a deadline of 2 weeks. 

Although there’s no price calculator, customers may still check the approximate total sum. There is a special page with a table that shows how the price differs. The total amount of the order depends on the deadline, academic level, and the number of pages:


The tightest deadline is only 6 hours! Unfortunately, there’s no discount system or additional perks. Nevertheless, it will be weird if the service offers any as the price is already very low.

Quality Of Service

What are the main criteria to draw attention to when selecting a writing service? Undoubtedly, the guarantees it offers to its client. 7dollaressay.com isn’t the best example as it barely provides any guarantees.

hate thumbs down GIF by Cultura
  • Money-back policy:

The service states that nobody has asked for a refund yet. However, they can suggest it if there are any certain conditions. The bad news is that they don’t want to share them with clients.

Refund policy
Refund policy
  • Plagiarism-free content

The company claims that users may expect original content and even get a free plagiarism report. However, it’s only up to users whether to trust this or not. The service doesn’t have any Terms Of Use. 

  • Confidentiality

It is mentioned that the personal data will be kept private. Again, it’s difficult to believe that as the company collects private information when users place their orders:

Privacy policy
Privacy policy
  • Information about the writers

The worst thing is that the service doesn’t offer any clear information about the writers. It’s not mentioned whether they are qualified enough and if they are native English speakers. Consequently, it may affect the quality of the final product:

Writers’ profiles
Writers’ profiles

Customer Support

Like many other writing services, 7dollaressay suggests three main ways to connect the support team. Clients may ask questions via phone, email, or online chat. 

Contact information
Contact information

Live chat seems to be the quickest and the most comfortable way to get replies. In reality, the situation is the opposite! I’ve tried to contact the team on my own and was waiting for the answer for about 20 minutes.

Online chat
Online chat

How To Place An Order

Luckily, the process of placing an order is simple and fast. Users just need to fill in the form and provide all the necessary details:

Placing an order
Placing an order

As soon as the form is completed, the checkout page will appear. And even here, users may face some issues as the only payment option is PayPal. 

Customer Reviews

Clients may check reviews on the website and on such trusted sites as Sitejabber and Trustpilot.  Undoubtedly, all the testimonials on the main page are positive:


Moreover, there are some video reviews that also seem to be fake:

Video reviews
Video reviews

If you check Sitejabber, you will see that the majority of feedback is negative:

TrustPilot also has only 15 reviews, and the average rating is about 3+:

As you can see, the company doesn’t have lots of satisfied and loyal customers.


To conclude, this 7dollaressay.com review shows that the company isn’t a scam. It offers diverse paper help at really low prices. But, the quality of the papers leaves much to be desired. 

There are lots of things that push customers away from picking this writing service. First of all, it doesn’t suggest any Terms of Use, and it means that there are literally no guarantees. Users can’t be sure that they will get plagiarism-free papers as well as they have no idea whether their personal data will be kept private. Moreover, the information about the writers seems to be fake, and the service lies about many things.

I wouldn’t recommend this company to those who take care of confidentiality and anonymity. Also, it is definitely the wrong choice in case you are looking for high-quality content. The only thing, to my mind, that can attract clients is an extremely low price. But, we all know that you get what you pay for!

This blog contains the author's views and reflections on topics about which he chooses to write. The author reserves the right to express his subjective opinion and is not responsible for the quality of services provided by the overviewed sites.

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