Review [Update February 2025] – Jolly Good Experience!

Are you considering ordering your essay from BestCustomWriting? Read the detailed analysis of this site! Find out its main pros and cons, the history of creation, and reviews of the quality of services provided

  • Price:
  • Quality:
  • Delivery:
  • Feedback:


  • good interface
  • a price calculator
  • money-back policy
  • low prices
  • a great discount system
  • essay samples
  • a blog with articles on educational topics


  • fake date of site creation
  • poor support team
  • lack of feedback

Starting price

From 8.51$ / page
Visit BestCustomWriting


I am happy that every year there are more and more writing services. Otherwise, what would I be reviewing? Jokes are jokes, but it is true. The number of students is growing, so the number of sites which offer them help. The only problem is finding the right one. Each of us has our budget, deadlines, and work requirements. It is good that on the market, anyone can choose an option for their needs. My goal is to help you figure out who you should trust and whose services you should refuse. Today we will review

Site interface


The site belongs to Steadi LTD. I found it out by scrolling down to the bottom of the site. Steadi LTD EOOD is a Bulgarian company registered on September 14, 2018. It offers copywriting, marketing, UI/UX, and web development services. The company owns and operates four writing services, including Best Custom Paper, The Essays, and Wise Essays. 

Best Custom Writing is operated by Steadi LTD
Best Custom Writing is operated by Steadi LTD

According to the website, Best Custom Writing began its operation in 2009. At the same time, the site contradicts itself. On the `About Us` page, it says that the service has been around for more than seven years. 

About Us page

Thus, the writing service appeared in 2014. If you specify the year of the site’s foundation as 2009, then in the description, it will be better to say that the service exists for more than 10 years. It is not only a fact but also it sounds well. According to Who. Is. and WaybackMachine, the website was created in June 2011. 

BestCustomWriting com on Who. Is.
 BestCustomWriting com on Who. Is. 

Here is how the website looked like in 2011. 

BestCustomWriting com in 2011
BestCustomWriting com in 2011

We have not started talking about the pros and cons yet, and we already have this misunderstanding with the year of foundation. I hope that these are just dates, and the confusion will not affect the quality of the services provided. Let’s move on to the advantages and disadvantages!

Pros and Cons


  • When opening the website, I pay attention to the main page. To my mind, a good interface is half of a success. I cannot stand those pop-up windows, questionnaires, and links from different sides. Trust me, you will not find that kind of thing on Best Custom Writing! Right under the header, you can find the guarantees provided to every customer. It is a good move because I do not want to spend hours surfing the site in search of them. Besides, I would like to highlight the presence of statistics. You can immediately conclude how popular this writing service is. Overall, the site is good. Images, font, color scheme give it a charm.
  • Speaking about the guarantees, it has been a while since I have seen a separate page on the site dedicated to them. Most writing services describe it in detail only in Terms and Conditions. First, you have to spend time trying to find these very Terms and Conditions. Then you need to zoom in on the text to read it! Does this situation look familiar? 

But let’s turn back to Best Custom Writing. Firstly, the developers listed the guarantees provided on the start page several times. Secondly, they dedicated a separate page to Money-Back and Refund Guarantees. Thirdly, the writing service also offers Privacy, Delivery, and Cancellation Policies. I am flattered!

  • One more advantage is the price calculator. You will laugh, but I still think it is a plus! As a site, you can do without a lot, but certainly not without an online calculator. Nevertheless, not all writing services have such an option. Those who are tired of reading about the benefits of online calculators can immediately move on to the next point, and I will allow myself to speak out. Thanks to this feature, sites can retain a larger number of potential customers. Before a person uses the service or continues to familiarize himself with the website, he wants to understand whether it is worth it. For example, I want to order an essay for $10 a page. I open the site and spend half an hour reading reviews, information about the company, and so on. When I fill in the order form, I find out that the cost is $25 per page. It is too much for my budget! As a result, I waste my time, do not order a paper, and ruin my mood for the whole day. So-so, right? To avoid this, you need online calculators! If the price is suitable, then you stay on the site. If not, then close it and search further.
  • Best Custom Writing has low prices in comparison with other writing services. You will not spend a fortune on your essay. Not only do students have a small one-month allowance, but prices are constantly rising. Each of us tries to save money, but it does not always work out. Fortunately, you can find a writing service that offers both low prices and high-quality papers.
  • Besides affordable rates, the company has a great discount system. You can get 15% or 13% off your first order by coupon or mail! It is worth noticing that the discounts are available not only for the newcomers but also for return-customers. 
  • Another advantage of the service is the opportunity to get to know the authors better. By this, I mean familiarizing you with their brief biographies, qualifications, and examples of their work. 
  • You can also have a look at the essay samples without registering or forming an order. The site has a separate section. There you can read essays of different academic levels, in various subjects and styles.
  • Best Custom Writing offers four ways to contact their customer support team, including live chat! The latter surprised me. I would have never thought that correspondence with clients could take place on such a platform. 
  • I saved the best part for last! There is a blog with articles on educational topics. I have said a million times that I am a blog fan! I like to read articles about the main mistakes in bibliographies, admission essays for the MBA program, and others. Best Custom Writing has such an impressive list of them that I could not even count the number. There are clearly over 100!

I would also like to mention the accounts on social media with thousands of subscribers, a separate tab with testimonials, and the site map. However, if I continue to rant, it will be quite a long read! Let me tell you about the main disadvantages of Best Custom Writing. It is more interesting!

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  • Another fact about me: I cannot stand cheating! I especially hate lying in minor things like the date the site was created. It is easy to check, so why try? In my recent reviews, I have already explained that the short life of the site does not affect the quality of the services provided.
  • One of the disadvantages is poor support service. This time, customer support appears in both the pros and cons. It is good that you can contact them in several ways, but what if you do not get an answer? I will tell you more later in the review. 
  • The last and main drawback is the lack of feedback and the low rating on third-party websites. Even though Best Custom Writing posts the reviews on their website, it does not guarantee their truthfulness. But, again, the details later in the overview.

Types of Services

I was impressed not only by the number of services provided but also by the number of separate tabs for each of them. You can click any of them and read the detailed information about the service. 

Types of services available
Types of services available

Moreover, you can get acquainted with the list of services in the online calculator on the main page. 

 Types of services in the online calculator
 Types of services in the online calculator 

As usual, the most popular services for order are:

  • Essay;
  • Research paper;
  • Coursework;
  • PowerPoint.
The most popular services on BestCustomWriting
The most popular services on BestCustomWriting

Among the unusual ones, I would like to mention the writing of a group project, a blog post, and an interview.


In the advantages, I forgot to mention the presence of a pricing list. For your convenience, all the necessary information about rates is collected in a separate section. Here you can find the price list and the discounts.

Prices page

In its structure, the price list is very similar to an online calculator. However, it saves you from the need to click on countless calendar dates to see how the price will change.

 Price List
 Price List

The writing service offers several types of discounts. Of course, they offer you a coupon for the first order. However, I did not understand why to use a 13% discount when you can use a 15% discount. Probably, there are some special conditions of application. Moreover, you can get a 10% off your second order. It is a good move!

Discounts available for the first and the second orders
Discounts available for the first and the second orders

Also, the writing service offers discounts depending on the number of pages in the order and the total number of pages ordered. Unfortunately, I did not figure it out. If I have placed orders for more than 100 pages during the entire period of use, and my new order contains more than 50 pages, will I get a 30% discount? It is time to ask the support team about this and check the speed of their response!

Life-time and volume discounts
Life-time and volume discounts

Customer Support

To my regret, I could not get the answer to my question regarding the discount program. The manager read my message and closed the chat! 

Online chat with customer support manager #1
Online chat with customer support manager #1

It was not my first try. Previously I have already asked customer support how to get an essay. There was the same manager called Arthur. If you are reading this, Arthur, shame on you!

Well, I conclude that the support service is either absent or on vacation. Otherwise, it is unacceptable! If you prefer to use Live Chat, then you should remove the chatbox from the website.

You can also contact Best Custom Service by:

  • phone;

+ 1 888 342 5573

+ 1 313 769 9633

  • email;

[email protected]

  • fax;

(302) 397-2638

  • live chat.

The only good thing is that the support service works 24 hours a day. At least they say so.


To get an idea of what an essay ordered from Best Custom Writing will look like, you can read the samples.

Essay samples on Best Custom Writing
Essay samples on Best Custom Writing

Those who follow my publications know very well that I try to order the most popular paper types. It allows me to personally evaluate its grammatical structure, vocabulary, content, and design. But this time it is different! When I was studying the samples, I came across a book report on `The Blind Assassin` by Margaret Atwood. I love this book! I read it day and night, sometimes breaking off to sleep. I was struck by the manner of narration and discouraged by the climax. Keep calm! I will not spoiler it! Where was I? 

I decided to read the report and use it to form my opinion about the quality of papers. I will tell you right away, I was not thrilled, as I found a few syntax errors. In general, I liked the manner of presentation, vocabulary, and the semantic division into paragraphs. In my opinion, the author of this paper was not a native English speaker. However, I have not seen Best Custom Writing claims that their authors are natives.

How To Place An Order

I have never met an order form easier than on this site. Today I will not talk about every step because there is only one! All you have to do is click on the `Order now` button. Then you need to specify:

  • Type of assignment;
  • Academic level;
  • Number of pages;
  • Deadline;
  • Topic;
  • Field of study;
  • Citation style;
  • Number of references;
  • Order instructions.

Also, you can upload additional materials for your paperwork.

The ordering process

After you finish filling in all the required fields, you will be asked to log in to your account or sign up. Then you will be redirected to the payment. That is all! 

Ways Of Payment

The writing service accepts various types of payment, including debit and credit cards.

Types of payment available on Best Custom Writing
Types of payment available on Best Custom Writing


You can read the reviews of satisfied customers on the website. Why do I say `satisfied customers`? Because I flipped through all the pages and did not find single feedback where there were at least 4 stars, not 5. 

Customer reviews on the website
Customer reviews on the website

You never know what the writing service publishes on its page. So I only trust third-party sites. Let’s check what we have on Sitejabber and Trustpilot this time.


Well, Best Custom Writing has 36 reviews and a rating of 4.6. 

`William, this is a great result!`- you say. I dare say not. For various indications, the site exists from 7 to 12 years. And during all this time, only 36 people decided to write reviews? I do not believe it! However, it is a good sign when the customer support service tracks feedback on the sites and responds promptly. 

There is only one negative review dated Feb 2018.


On Sitejabber, the situation is more interesting. Here, this writing service has only two reviews. You heard it right, two! For so many years!

Social Media

This writing service provides links on its social networks. 

Links to social media
Links to social media

There are more than 10 000 users who like the Best Custom Writing community on Facebook.

BestCustomWriting account on Facebook
BestCustomWriting account on Facebook

Moreover, this writing service has an account on Twitter. Although, it has not been updated for a long time. The last post was published in 2018. 

BestCustomWriting account on Twitter
BestCustomWriting account on Twitter

At the same time, the account on Instagram has more than 6 500 followers. 

BestCustomWriting account on Instagram
BestCustomWriting account on Instagram


It is time to take stock. First of all, Best Custom Writing is a good and user-friendly website. For your convenience, you can use the site map instead of going from page to page. It offers low prices with the possibility of even greater savings through discounts and coupons. All clients have the right to return the essay for revision or demand a refund if they are dissatisfied with the result. The process of making an order is simple! You can choose an author after reviewing their rating, qualifications, and works. In your free time, you can read articles in the blog dedicated to education. You can also subscribe to this service on their social networks and follow the posts. If you have any questions, you can contact customer support in one of four ways. Unfortunately, they are not always eager to help you. I still have questions about the confusion with the date of creation of the site and the lack of reviews on third-party sites. On my scale, the pros still outweigh the cons. Regardless of whether the service was founded in 2009 or 2011, the quality of papers is good. I advise you to order your essay from them!

This blog contains the author's views and reflections on topics about which he chooses to write. The author reserves the right to express his subjective opinion and is not responsible for the quality of services provided by the overviewed sites.

Writing platform with discount would be opened in new tab