Review [Update March 2025] – When the Lack of Reviews is No Big Deal! is a writing service with a spotless record. Are there any pitfalls? Is Studdit legit? A detailed overview with all of the pros and cons.

  • Price:
  • Quality:
  • Delivery:
  • Feedback:


  • low prices
  • money-back and plagiarism-free guarantees
  • easy-to-use price calculator
  • a great discount system
  • the fewest deadline is 3 hours
  • lots of available types of services
  • FAQ block
  • good reviews
  • easy process of placing an order


  • no links to social media pages

Starting price

From 10$ / page


It is no secret that the number of writing services is constantly growing. While adults are arguing about the ethics and legality of their services, students are turning to experts for help. Unfortunately, this popularity leads to the appearance of scammers on the market. They disguise themselves as competitors, offering essays and other types of academic work for low fees. Such sites lure students with various special offers and fake reviews on third-party sites.

In times gone by, I often ordered essays, term papers, and case studies from writing services. I always had problems with time management, so I remembered the tasks at the last moment. As you may have guessed, I have repeatedly become a victim of such fraudulent organizations. Besides, I have encountered low-quality services. What is more, a couple of times I wasted money as I inattentively read the Terms and Conditions. In general, I have a lot of experience!

Once I realized that I was not the only one. We all need someone to help us navigate the market of writing services. I will say more – I decided to become this very person! I have taken enough knocks, so I know exactly what to look for. For several years now, I have been helping students find reliable service and expose scammers. Today we will talk about

Main page
Main page


According to Terms and Conditions, the site belongs to Coreforce Ltd, situated in Larnaca, Cyprus.

Terms of Use
Terms of Use

This company also owns and operates other writing services, namely Write My Essays, My Admissions Essay, and Paper Help. I have already reviewed them, and I know for a fact that all of them are reliable! 

Coreforce Ltd owns and operates several writing services
Coreforce Ltd owns and operates several writing services

I decided to check the foundation year of Studdit. To my regret, I did not find any historical background on the site itself, so I appealed to Web Archive. It stated that this writing service appeared in 2013. 

 Studdit com on Web Archive

Thus, it has been helping students with papers for eight years! Impressive! Let’s see Studdit for what it is. 

Pros and Cons


  • Well, the website is awesome! There is an easy-to-use price calculator on the main page. It allows clients to check the approximate rate without placing an order. Specify your academic level, type of paper, quantity, the deadline, and Bob’s your uncle! No need to sign up, log in, or leave your email and then receive endless newsletters. 
  • Speaking about the prices, this writing service offers really low rates in comparison with other sites! Those students who can barely make both ends meet will be able to afford any type of paper. After reviewing more than 50 writing services, I can divide them into three groups: low-priced, mid-priced, and high-prices. The low-priced sites, of course, are my favs! I am thrilled when the sites charge little money for high quality! Studdit is definitely one of them. 
  • What is more, it has a discount system! Newcomers can save up to 15% off their first order. You will not miss this offer! This banner pops up almost as soon as you open the site. Moreover, there are discounts for return customers. However, I will discuss it in detail later in the review.
  • The authors from Studdit accept super urgent orders! Ace! I guess I am not the only one who forgets about the deadlines or puts everything off till the last moment. The fewest deadline is 3 hours, which may be very convenient for students (and adults, as well). But I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the closer the date of the essay submission, the higher the price. Time is money!
  • If the writing service is a novelty for you, you can read the step-by-step guide on how to place an order. It is jolly nice of Studdit to prepare the instruction! Sometimes I am so busy with everything, so it is hard for me to concentrate on basic stuff, and I am slow off the mark. Do you get my drift? I believe you do!
  • While placing an order, you will find out how many services this website offers! I was pleasantly surprised! There are essays, dissertations, homework, admission, and so on. Well, Studdit can give you whatever you need! 
  • If you still have questions, you can look for the answer at the FAQ block. For example, I found out that their writers are native English speakers from the UK, the US, Australia, and Canada. That is a good place to start!
  • Moreover, there are good reviews on the company and its services. What is more, there are video reviews! It is a bee’s knees! For me, this is a sign of the truthfulness of feedback.

When it comes to overviewing writing services, I sure know my stuff! I thoroughly study their history, consider all pros and cons, evaluate the quality of papers and stuff. I could not leave you without an analysis of the disadvantages of Studdit! However, minimize your expectations as there will be only one drawback.


There are no links to social media pages. I think that each of you has repeatedly met my speech on the importance of developing a personal brand in social networks. If not, then be sure to check out my other reviews, as this is a fairly common situation. Social media is the future!

Types of Services

Earlier, I have already addressed the topic of service types. Let me discuss it in more depth. To know the most popular types, you can click on the `Services` button. Studdit offers:

  • Essay;
  • Research paper;
  • Coursework;
  • Dissertation;
  • Questions & Answer;
  • Case study.
Popular services on
Popular services on

The full list of services is available during the ordering process. For example, you can also order editing, proofreading, or rewriting. 

The list of services available
The list of services available


Pricing policy is a crucial point for all writing services. Unfortunately, for students, one of the key factors is the cost. Many of them have to combine their studies and work, so they will not spend extra money. That is the reason why the writing agencies tend to choose the low-priced niche. Any student wants to save money! Even if you offer super duper high-quality paper for a high price, most likely your company will not be in demand. 

Studdit is no exception! Here, you will not find fancy prices. All types of services are affordable. 

Online calculator on the main page
Online calculator on the main page

As I have already said, you can also save up to 15% off your first order.  To do so, you can use a promo code from the pop-up banner or the main page. 

According to FAQ, return customers can continue saving money with Studdit. Thus, they get from 5% to 10% off their next orders that are over 500$-1000$ correspondingly. 

Discounts for return customers
Discounts for return customers

On top of that, throughout a year, you will receive special offers in your mailbox. Nice!


Quality is one of the most important criteria when selecting a writing service. Since students do not have much money, they cannot afford to make the wrong choice. Therefore, I consider it my duty to carefully study all the guarantees that the site gives and to test their services for myself. So, back to Studdit.

The site indicates that its authors are native English speakers from the UK, the US, Australia, Canada. 

Information about the writers from FAQ
Information about the writers from FAQ

Also, some performers are not native speakers but know the language at a high level. Unfortunately, I could not find detailed information about how authors are recruited to the staff. 

The company offers a Money-Back Guarantee. Students can get from 50% to 100% of the total amount back in cases stipulated by the rules.

Money-Back Guarantee at studdit com
Money-Back Guarantee at studdit com

If there are any drawbacks, the student has the right to send his paperwork back to the author for revision. The company designates the percentage of acceptable plagiarism with Terms and Conditions, and it is 10%. Thus, when your essay does not meet this requirement, you can also send it back for revision.

Revision policy
Revision policy

I was a little confused by the fact that some of the Studdit authors are not native speakers. I am a stickler for detail! So I decided to order an essay on Literature on the role of the narrator in the work of Arthur Conan Doyle `The Blue Carbuncle`. Another fact about me – I just love the work of Conan Doyle! As a child, I dreamed of becoming Sherlock Holmes. I mean it! Well, I am starting to draw some parallels. I also investigate companies to expose fraudsters!

So, I chose the standard writer category because it was necessary for me to check the English proficiency level of a non-native speaker. I also added a plagiarism report. Even though I check all the texts myself through a paid account on Grammarly, I wanted to find out what services are used in Studdit.

I was shocked. The paper is awesome! That is, I didn’t even have any complaints about the grammatical constructions and the vocabulary used. Wow. The author sent me my essay a few days before the deadline, and I contacted him a couple of times in my personal account during preparation. According to several reports on plagiarism, only 2% were found in the text. I will say more, it was caused by the necessary quoting of the source. That is it!

Customer Support

There are three ways to contact the Studdit customer support team:

  • by phone;

+18885300874 (USA toll-free)

  • by email;

  • by online chat. 
 Contact Us at
 Contact Us at

I love talking, especially with managers! Not only am I a chatterbox, but also I have the gift of gab. At least that is what my friends say about me! I will confess it – I like to mailbomb the customer support team with numerous questions. I ask them about the order form, the writer’s qualifications, the types of payments, etc. The managers of Studdit, if you are reading this, I am truly sorry! However, this way, I am testing their work to give you my honest review. This time, I was delighted to chat with the team. They reply super fast! 

 Chat with customer support
 Chat with customer support

How to Place an Order

The order process takes a few minutes. I will save you the question. There is no need to sign up or log in first! 

In the first stage, you need to specify general information considering your paper.

It repeats the same categories that you filled in in the online calculator:

  • Academic level;
  • Type of paper;
  • Quantity of papers/words;
  • Deadline.

In the next stage, you should provide paper instructions. What is more, here you can choose the writer’s category:

  • Basic writer;
  • Advanced writer;
  • TOP writer.

The site states that all their writers are native English speakers. However, the TOP writer requires an extra charge. I decided to clear up this point with the customer support team. The managers said that most of their writers are natives. However, there is a part of the team from other countries. 

If you like a specific writer, you can enter his ID, and Studdit will assign him for your next order. Also, you can choose the service level – standard or VIP. I have deja vu! All websites operated by Coreforce Ltd have the same order form.

The icing on the cake is the list of extra services you can add to your order. All of them, excluding simple English, will cost you from 3.99$ to 14.99$. Fair enough!

In the third stage, you finally have to sign up or log in, choose the type of payment, and transfer your money to the writing service.

In the fourth stage, you track your order.

That’s all, folks!

Customer Reviews

The writing service publishes the feedback on its main page. Currently, there are 210 reviews, including video reviews.

Reviews on
 Reviews on

I analyzed them and compiled a small top of the advantages that Studdit users note:

  • good grammar;
  • compliance with deadlines;
  • no plagiarism;
  • responsive customer support.

I noted that a client called Rob asked Studdit to create the app for iOS and Android. And I feel him! We spend most of our time on our smartphones. That is why the desktop version of the site is no longer so relevant.

Customer’s review on studdit com
Customer’s review on studdit com

Social Media

When I spoke about the advantages and disadvantages, I put the absence of links to social networks in the cons. I believe this is a comprehensive overview. 


Well, all good things come to an end. So it is with this review! I dare say that I was satisfied. Even though the company that operates Studdit owns several other writing services, they are all reliable. Students can choose the necessary type of service from an extensive list. Also, they can find out the approximate cost of work without registration and other time-consuming things. You will not have to splash on essays, as the prices are below average. Besides, you can save money with the help of promo codes and various offers. The site managers will guide you from placing an order to handing over the finished paper to the supervisor. If necessary, you can always contact the support service. If you are not satisfied with the result, you can apply for a free revision or a refund. 

Even though there are no reviews on third-party websites, there are plenty of them on the website’s main page. I will also put in a plug for Studdit! I have already tested their services. Now the ball is in your court!

This blog contains the author's views and reflections on topics about which he chooses to write. The author reserves the right to express his subjective opinion and is not responsible for the quality of services provided by the overviewed sites.

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